

Every member of our board of directors is a thought leader who has made significant contributions to our community.  Each one brings a unique set of skills and expertise to our school ministries. 

Dr. Vadimir Nicolas 

President and Founder

Rev. Nicolas became a member of Kissimmee Church of God. He served as an associate pastor of the church for twelve years of service. Pastor Nicolas had the privilege to study at Church of God School of Ministry. He completed all doctrinal and pastoral curricular activities and received, upon recommendation from the state Board of Ministerial Development of the Church of God, a Certificate of Achievement Award in November 2000.

Pastor Nicolas, still pursuing his career in Leadership and became senior pastor of Horeb Church of God for three years of great experiences and challenges, upon authorization of the Headquarters at Cleveland, Tennessee and also the State Regional Bishop of Florida to be the senior pastor of that Church located in Central boulevard of Orlando, Florida August 2009- October 2012.

Pastor Nicolas is currently holding a :

Master’s Degree: Pastoral Leadership and Counseling Cornerstone Christian University.

Doctoral degree: Jacksonville Theological Seminary Christian Ministry

Senior Pastor of Horizon Fellowship Church Inc. Orlando, Florida fields. 

Word of the President

I am honored to serve you as the President and Founder of Revelation Bible Institute Christian Center, and profoundly excited to take the Bible Institute to another level. I am dedicated to the standard of serving our devoted talented students to achieve their dreams and objectives to break the barrier of limitations, ensuring they have the support and innovation from Revelation Bible Institute they need to achieve their education and career goals.

Dear Faculty Member:

Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! 

I also want to take this opportunity to thank you for being part of our faculty during this past semester. You have touched many lives. I pray that you will be richly rewarded for sharing your gifts and time with our students.


Countdown finished!

Fasten your seatbelts and settle in. We're getting ready for our biggest new release of the year. Stay tuned!

A place of learning and of Opportunity

We have what it takes to help your find what it best for your research.

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II Timothy 2:4 : No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Your Inquiry

Our school offers Biblically based curriculum, a positive learning environment, and instructors who are dedicated to guiding you to achieve your educational and spiritual goals. 

Registration Race

It is important that you register as soon as possible to assure that you can be part of the classes in which you wish to enroll. 

take your destiny

We are offering some tremendous courses with anointed instructors who are dedicated to helping you reach your educational and spiritual goals.

Finance Principles

The Board of Directors recognizes its responsibility to govern the financial affairs of the organization in a scriptural manner and be aware of all financial and business matters.

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